What is Automation Anywhere?

Automation Anywhere at present is the world’s leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using their software solution, they are giving a wide-scale RPA platform and community to allow business to automate end-to-end processes for everyone in the organization.

· Automation Anywhere


Automation Anywhere at present is the world’s leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using their software solution, they are giving a wide-scale RPA platform and community to allow business to automate end-to-end processes for everyone in the organization. If working in this field interests you, take an Automation Anywhere Online Training for better understanding. Going through the online tanning medium you can easily grasp its features and functionality to incorporate in your work. Moreover, this Automation Anywhere integrates the usual and traditional RPA with some cognitive elements like natural language processing thereby allowing to read unstructured data. The technology generally works on three pillars. These are Robotic Process Automation, Digital Workforce Analytics, and Cognitive Automation.

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Automation Anywhere 360:

Some common RPA tools are getting too technical and complex to further empower the average business user or citizen developer. Therefore, to overcome this complexity and democratize RPA, automation vendors are giving some simplified platforms to take automation to another stage of its lifecycle. That is typically in the cloud.

The best example of a cloud-native and another next-generation automation platform is commonly known as Automation Anywhere’s 360. It helps to get away from the heavy weight of RPA and is becoming the market leader because of its capabilities.

Automation Anywhere’s 360 is the market’s first intelligent cloud-native, automation platform. It’s actually web-based. Answering it is accessible on a browser and doesn’t need heavy IT support or any kind of big software installations.

Built from the initial phases, Automation 360 is designed to run seamlessly on cloud infrastructure. Its design and capabilities and well sufficient to fulfill all the requirements of the industry. It delivers an intelligent automation solution for everyone allowing them to design and deliver some automated processes.

The Advantages of Automation Anywhere 360:

Being at its most basic, Automation 360 allows companies to automate certain business processes and its additional tasks. It further lowers overhead maintenance, and increases ROI while reducing the overall cost of ownership for automation.

More particularly, given below is a list of features that Automation 350has for you;

Reducing the total cost of ownership while also allowing scalability as it is web-based and cloud-native

A more descriptive and elaborative intuitive UX. Such as offering various views of bots. Such as a list and flow view, thus making automation easily accessible. So, it becomes easy to scale for any average business user.

Additionally, supports various operating systems, comprising of Windows, Linux, and macOS

A recorder that efficiently works across different platforms of Windows, Web, Citrix, and SAP. Making it easier to identify automation candidates and eventually reduce a major front-end design work

Lower maintenance and support all because of the Modular Design of Automation 360. Which improves bot resiliency and further limits outages in a case when there are platform and other package upgrades

Better and regular security checks, with hands-free updates and also continuous security monitoring

Better flexibility and scalability making it major benefits of cloud computing

Automation 360 works efficiently across both legacy and modern systems, therefore you don’t have to change your prior existing technology

Automate more complex as well as end-to-end business processes with AI and machine learning made into the platform

Move from UI-centric automation to another API-centric automation

Make use of over 1200 pre-built bots, other packages, and digital workers from the given Bot Store

Automation 360 is certainly more extensible and pluggable. Therefore, you can integrate it easily with your enterprise architecture more seamlessly

Get automatic updates so you move on to the latest version with new and better features and functionality.


Automation Anywhere is indeed a global leader in the field of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Enabling customers to automate end-to-end business processes with software bots - digital workers who perform repetitive and manual tasks, resulting in dramatic productivity gains, better customer experience, and more engaged employees. Therefore, helps organizations easily start and accelerate their process automation journey. With Automation Anywhere Training Institute in Noida start your journey in this module. Make use of this growing demand for automation and make your career in the right direction. Since automation is the requirement and demand of the present day, you won’t regret your choice ever. Hence, with correct guidance and help start your training now.